Stories of excellence

‘In general, insofar as art enters the domain of the art world, the institutional world of dealers, galleries, schools, granting agencies, collectors and so forth, it is subject to judgments of excellence, of which the relevance cannot be denied. According to many of those concerned, that is not what art is about; but it is what gives art a public identity and a public place, without which art could not achieve whatever deeper significance it might have’.

Sparshott, F. (1986). Excellence in the Arts. Journal of Aesthetic Education20(4), 137-140.

… being an artist you kind of, I mean you get used to excellence

Orr, S. (2011). ‘Being an artist you kind of, I mean, you get used to excellence’: Identity, Values and Fine Art Assessment Practices. International Journal of Art & Design Education30(1), 37-44.

… a commitment to excellence at the secondary level is meaningless unless a concern for quality animates the entire curriculum, the early as well as the later years. A concern for quality should, in truth, pervade the whole school setting from the classroom to the principal’s office. Talking then about excellence in art education implies talking not only about the qualities and meanings of outstanding works of art and the worthwhile experiences they are capable of affording but also about an attitude toward accomplishment in general.

Smith, R. A. (1987). An excellence curriculum for arts education. Journal of Aesthetic Education21(4), 51-61.

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